Posted in Other

Pineapple & Coconut Smoothie Recipe

Hey lovely people, so as crazy as this might sound, I hate fruit. I just can’t eat any fruit besides an occasional apple or banana; and since I constantly try and be healthy, I feel really bad about not eating any and missing out on all of those lovely nutrients. Therefore I decided to start drinking smoothies! It’s weird that I like them but I do! This is my recipe for a Coconut and Pineapple Smoothie (YUM)

First of all you will need the following to create 1 large Smoothie

  1. 1 cup of pineapple chucks
  2. 1 Banana cut into slices
  3. 3/4 of a cup of Coconut milk, (or if you want a creamier smoothie add coconut yoghurt instead)
  4. Orange Juice


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