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Fitness Favourites – February



Yet again this has been a rather tough month. University work has been stressful, home life has been tough and I’ve had loads of doctors appointments. I’ve had an X-ray and an ultra sound and still no news on whats wrong with my foot *sigh* Furthermore, I’ve been having back issues – nothing too serious – but it means I have to go to the chiropractor, which means my gym going had taken a bit of a hit… unfortunately. BUT HEALTH COMES FIRST.

As crappy as the start of February has been, towards the end it’s been getting better. So lets focus on that ❤

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Fitness Favourites – January

Hopefully you all haven’t fallen off the bandwagon (is that one word or two? Is it even a word? Fucking dyslexia…) yet. I BELIVE IN YOU. Anyway so this month has been pretty shit, I’ve got the January Blues and uni work has hit me like a fucking yellow school bus (mean girls reference, duh) 

I’ve constantly got a head ache, my eating is pretty shit (I am a stress eater) and I’m not sleeping well, and these factors all lead up to not being in the best of moods.

However, exercise is a huge stress reliever for me. So the gym and ice rink have been my sanctuary.

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Posted in Other

Funny Work Out Tees

I’ll be competing in the Edinburgh Tough Mudder this year ( i’ll make a post about that later – I’m Super EXCITED) Anyway for those who don’t know, I love going to the gym – so expect quite a few gym related posts – but I also love gym clothes!!So i decided to treat myself and recently I purchased these snazzy little numbers from *cough* and they were on sale *cough.*

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